National Standards – a cautionary note

Reports were recently sent to parents regarding progress towards National Standards for Year 7 and 8 students. This has been our practice as it helps students to make plans and access the support they might need to reach their goals for the year.

It is important to note however that some students who have been reported as being below standard at this point are being measured against the standard that needs to be reached at the end of the year.
In a sense, it is expected that some students would be below standard at mid-year and my message to them would be that with consistent work they should be at standard or above by the end of the year.

The Senior Leadership Team has analysed the whole school National Standards and e-asTTle data which shows the progress of our students in Mathematics and English and we are extremely pleased with the results so far. While National Standards are aspirational goals we also consider each individual’s progress as of equal importance.

We will be having our Student Led Conferences in a few weeks where your child’s Learning Advisor will be able to give more information about e-asTTle and National Standards or you can contact your Whanau Leader.

Growing greatness – kia mana ake