Mountains/Te Maunga Whānau – Y7 Learning

With Term 2 nearing its’ end, we would like to feature a few of the ‘Learning Contexts’ our students have completed over the past 9 weeks. First up is Mountains/Te Maunga Whānau.

The Year 7 context for the term was Matariki, combining learning in Global Studies and Physical Education. A focus for students was learning the popular game of Kī-o-rahi. The organisation Kī-o-rahi Tāmaki Makaurau came into MHJC for 5 weeks to teach students the background of the game, along with the mythological story behind it. The learning culminated in an 8 team tournament!

A special thanks to Kī-o-rahi Tāmaki Makaurau who took time in teaching MHJC students. The organisation also offered a PD session for MHJC Physical Education teachers.