Lockdown level 3 update 12 August

Dear parents/caregivers


During lockdown level 3 for the remainder of the week we are asking students to:


  • Complete their Reading Plus and Maths Buddy expectations for the week
  • Complete any assessments 
  • Work on their Student Led Conference presentation
  • Stay active
  • Practice the school haka


At this stage there are no students at the school and no requests. If you are an essential worker and your child requires supervision please contact your child/ren’s Whānau Leader. If they are to attend school please ensure they have face masks, their devices and chargers as well as food and water for the day. Water fountains, microwaves and the toasters are not available for use. 


I will send further updates as and when we are informed of the situation moving forward. Hopefully we will be back at school on Monday.

