Nice to be back!

As indicated in the Term 1 newsletter I was granted a sabbatical by the Ministry of Education for Term 2 which is available to Principal’s after 5 years of service (mine was delayed by a year). I wish to thank the Board of Trustees for supporting my application and our Associate Principal for stepping into my position while I was away. The topic I was investigating, was “Principal’s Wellbeing” which together with student and teacher wellbeing is becoming a very important consideration for Boards of Trustees and the Ministry of Education.

Following an analysis of responses by over 50 school leaders in Auckland and meetings with a selected number I was able to summarise some broad generalisations which I have shared with colleagues and Principal organisations. Some of the reasons why Principal’s indicate they are thriving in their role, rather than surviving, is due to the support they receive from their Boards and their Board Chair in particular; their Senior Leaders and the community generally. I am pleased to say I fit in that category and wish again to thank everyone who has contributed in some way to my feelings of wellbeing. I realise this is a personal statement which I am unused to sharing, however a school leader faces numerous complex issues on a daily basis and this can be draining unless there are other factors which help to “refill the bucket”.

Being back at school and reconnecting with our wonderful staff, student and parent community has been a most enjoyable experience. It is often true to say that when we are away or leave a place we tend to appreciate things more and this was true for me when I was away and witnessed through facebook and emails the amazing efforts of our staff to maintain our mission of helping students to find and grow their greatness.

I trust everyone is well and like me, feels blessed that we are able to enjoy personal freedoms that many in other countries are denied owing to the pandemic. I look forward to sharing with you all the events and celebrations we have become used to in term 3 and beyond.

Growing greatness – Kia mana ake!