Charter review – have your say

Our Charter is a document which gives the school direction and purpose.

We review our performance against our aspirational strategic goals every two years and review the Charter itself every 4-5 through surveys to our community.

The survey is intended to provide parents with the opportunity to contribute to the process of building a culture and learning environment which will equip our students for the future.

From here the students and staff will also be given an opportunity to voice their opinion and then senior leaders will work with the Board of Trustees on the new document.

The survey will be sent to all parents later this term but you may wish to do some background reading/research into the future of education and the world our students will be entering.

These documents focus on the values, qualities and dispositions our students should develop and the conditions or environment we should promote to achieve this ideal.

The New Zealand Curriculum (pages 4-13):

MHJC Charter:

Charter MHJC 2014 – 2018

An alternative view of the future of education:

How students learn:

The nature of learning:

We have created an email address to allow the community to provide their feedback on the school charter. To email us and provide your feedback, send an email to

Thank you in advance for your contributions.

Growing greatness – Kia mana ake!